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I'm just another Goodreads refugee and this is my back up plan. Please be patient with me while I find my legs on here. 

Currently reading

Plays Well With Others
Brynn Paulin
Teahouse, Chapter 1
Performance in a Leading Role
Progress: 2 %
Reblogged from susanylee:

Starting Monday at Boys In Our Books, we're dedicating an entire week to highlighting some of the BEST free fiction available online.  


We'll have daily reviews of fanfics, original works, and series.  And we'll have guest posts and interviews with some of the most talented and fascinating authors offering free work.


Check us out each day for reviews or posts by/about:


Kaje Harper

Aleksandr Voinov/Marquesate

NR Walker

Nora Sakavic

Ais & Santino

Domashita Romero

SU Pacat

Manna Francis

Catherine Julia Jefferson

Orbiting Jupiter

Jesse Hajicek

Cordelia Kingsbridge



And if some of these authors and works are new-to-you, let us tell you WHY you should be giving them a try!  Reason #1: THE WORK IS FREE! :)